As heard on RTE Radio 1 this morning and also in the Dublin people - Gaelscoil Bharra in Cabra have been waiting for years for a new - or rather, proper - school to be built. As it is little children are attending lessons in prefabs and portacabins, a situation that should make any Minister of Education ashamed! Now in order to raise both funds and awareness of their plight, Gaelscoil Bharra have launched a great song - "Cá Bhfuil ár Scoil?" - and it is now available from itunes, or from Tower Records in Wicklow Street Dublin, or by texting music 4075m to 57501.
Not only is this school giving a great education to the children attending, it is also one of a number of gaelscoil keeping our national heritage and language alive. It deserves support and it deserves the basics - a safe building for instance - just like every other school. PLEASE support them by downloading the song, it's not expensive but it will make a difference.
(charlie byrne's music shop is not associated with the school or the song, in any way. We just think it's a great cause! If you do too, pass on this message and ask people to download)