As heard on RTE Radio 1 this morning and also in the Dublin people - Gaelscoil Bharra in Cabra have been waiting for years for a new - or rather, proper - school to be built. As it is little children are attending lessons in prefabs and portacabins, a situation that should make any Minister of Education ashamed! Now in order to raise both funds and awareness of their plight, Gaelscoil Bharra have launched a great song - "Cá Bhfuil ár Scoil?" - and it is now available from itunes, or from Tower Records in Wicklow Street Dublin, or by texting music 4075m to 57501.
Not only is this school giving a great education to the children attending, it is also one of a number of gaelscoil keeping our national heritage and language alive. It deserves support and it deserves the basics - a safe building for instance - just like every other school. PLEASE support them by downloading the song, it's not expensive but it will make a difference.
(charlie byrne's music shop is not associated with the school or the song, in any way. We just think it's a great cause! If you do too, pass on this message and ask people to download)
Hiya, I've heard about the song on the radio, and I've seen the parents and teachers round Cabra doing great work to promote the song. I'll be downloading it! It's quite catchy as well!
It is catchy isn't it? I liked it the minute I heard it and it's a great cause!!
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