Tuesday 16 December 2008

Vouchers - Christmas made easy

Those of you listening to Pat Kenny over the last few days will surely have heard the segment on Vouchers - or rather on how some shops won't honour vouchers. You may have heard my email on Thursday or the mention we got yesterday - we absolutely disagree with putting any kind of expiry date or renewal fee on vouchers and we said so :)
When you buy a voucher from us, we see that as being as good as money; and until money gets an expiry date, our vouchers remain valid...

There are several ways to buy a voucher, the best way is to pop into the shop; we'll give you a nice music themed card with the amount plus a receipt as back up in case you or the recipient lose their vouchers (easily done, as I know to my cost!)
You can also buy through Paypal, on our website but be sure to check whether Paypal charge your account/country a fee for processing. (If you buy in the shop obviously there is no fee and we do not benefit from any fee that Paypal charges the buyer.)

A voucher can be used against any purchase in the retail section. If you have a balance left over you can hold on to it until you want to use it...no matter how long that takes :)

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